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AShop Deluxe New Features - Version 4.1.2 (released Sept 11, 2005)

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Detailed Version Release Notes

TeleSign Fraud Prevention
TeleSign is a pre-payment processing telephone verification service, which can substantially reduce fraudulent credit card transactions. TeleSign verification is supported with payment options that use the local payment information form (orderform.php). Payment gateways supported include: 3rd Level Billing, Authorize.Net AIM, Echo, eSelect, IonGate, PayNova, PayReady, PSbill, and Verisign PayFlo Pro. More about TeleSign...

There is a new option in the administration panel where TeleSign verification may be activated by entering your TeleSign account number. If the field is blank, the verification process is deactivated and the payment form posts directly to the payment gateway when submitted.

Font Control
Font sizes for the catalog and checkout pages are now set at the bottom of the Layout menu. After the update is installed, font sizes may be slightly smaller than before. Reset the sizes as needed in the Layout menu.

Affiliate Link Cloaking
There is now link cloaking code inserted in the affiliate link generator. This is done automatically for the image links. For text links, there is a new token "%affiliatecloaklink%" that will generate the code in the affiliate text instead of generating it automatically, which would prevent the use of custom html code.

Insert the token before the link text and add a closing tag </a> after the link text.
This is the text and %affiliatecloaklink%This Is The Link Text</a>

The resulting affiliate link code, which is generated in each affiliate's login will contain cloaking code so that when customers pass the cursor over affiliate links the affiliate.php file and affiliate ID number do not appear in the status bar.

Instead of "" in the status bar,
Customers see "" when the mouse is passed over the link.

Chargeback/Return Saves Credit Transaction Opposite To Original
The Chargeback/Return option is available through Sales Reports in Edit mode. Previously, a chargeback reversed the order and removed it from inclusion in affiliate commissions by moving the order record from the orders table to the chargeback table. This is changed now so that a chargeback results in an equal and opposite order record, which retains the audit trail for all transactions and provides a better audit trail for accounting.

Sales Reports include the original order and the chargeback. Chargebacks are in red and there is an icon/link to display comments for each chargeback.

Filters To Find and/or List Customers and Affiliates For Selective Messaging
There is now a filter by name and/or email address to list selected customers and affiliates. Partial spellings and incomplete email addresses can be used to find matches. The filter can be used to list onlyl customers with addresses or to find a customer by entering a partial spelling of his/her name.

The number of customers or affiliates listed per page selector is now selectable to shorten page loading time when the list is long. Message recipients may be checked individually and Mail To Selected or acheck box at the top of the list can be used to select or deselect all customers/affiliates and Mail To All will send to all of the recipients that are shown on the page. If there are more customers/affiliates than the selected page limit, a page selector appears at the bottom.

Filter and Validation For Customer Input Attributes
There is a new directory called filters in the admin directory which right now only contains one single file: This file can be used as a template and contains instructions on how to create your own filters. It will remove things like "www" and "http://" from subdomains and make sure that they are lower case. It will also check for duplicates and display a "Try again" message in the buy.php popup window if a duplicate is found. The filter files are used only in the buy.php window and must be named like this: [attribute caption (lower case)].inc.php, for instance: or Filters can be used for things like domain name, username, email, etc.

eMail Messaging Tokens To Include Customer/Affiliate Data In Each Message
The mailcustomer.php and mailaffiliate.php scripts now accept variables, which can be used to insert each affiliate or customer's information into each message. When a token is used in a message, each recipient receives a message with his/her specific information in place of the token.

Affiliate Tokens
%firstname%, %lastname%, %email%, %affiliateid%, %address%, %state%, %zip%, %city%, %country%, %url%, %phone%, %referralcode%, %password%, %username%
Customer Tokens
%firstname%, %lastname%, %email%, %customerid%, %address%, %state%, %zip%, %city%, %country%, %phone%

New Payment Gateway Modules

Version 4.0 New Feature Overview (Released April 2005)

Current Version New Feature Overview

Index of New Feature Overviews For Other Versions

For a complete list of new features and bug fixes, see:
AShop Deluxe Version Release Notes (text notes going back a few versions)

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