Shopping Cart Software
Shopping Cart Software CRM Sales Office Affiliate Referral Tracking Digital Product Delivery

Shopping Cart Software

AShop Shopping Cart Software

AShop is a shopping cart software written in PHP with a MySQL database. It is installed on your website and controlled through a web-based aministration panel which you login to using your favorite web browser. It can be customized through templates to smoothly integrate with an existing website. The source code is IonCube encoded, but everything you need in order to modify and customize the cart is editable. It comes in two flavors: AShop Basic, which includes only the shopping cart, and AShop V which also has a multi-vendor shopping mall and a CRM/sales support tool called Sales Office.

The AShop shopping cart
can be used for selling tangible products, downloadable products, key codes, password access to protected directories such as a member resources (subscriptions) and electronic greeting cards. It can also be used to run auctions and with the shopping mall features in AShop V you can let anyone add auctions on your website. The same shopping cart can be used to sell both to retail and wholesale customers, with different price levels for each customer type. There are a variety of shipping, handling, and sales tax options for sales of tangible products plus specialized tools to manage and deliver digital products and to protect digital product files against unauthorized access.

An affiliate tracking and commission system is included and is optional to use. Affiliate commission tracking may be done on one or multiple tiers and each affiliate may be set to earn one of two commission levels, which are set per product. Commissions can be selected and paid out to affiliates from within the program using PayPal or paid by other means and then recorded within the program.
More about multi-tier affiliate commission tracking...

AShop is easy to manage, even for a novice plus it includes advanced tools for experienced web masters. Online store management is done through a browser. No special skills or knowledge are required to manage the product catalog or sales through AShop's administration panel. In addition, products and buy buttons may be displayed as individual items within static HTML web pages through buy button HTML code or through the free Wordpress plugin. Tools and guides are provided throughout the program. It is packed with the most needed functionality for today's Internet marketing.
AShop V tour...

AShop Tour - Instructions - Downloads and Trial - License Agreement

AShop V Feature List

Shopping Cart Catalog
Shipping and Handling
Payment Processing
Messaging and Mailing Lists
Sales Reports

Languages, Currencies, Taxes
Digital Product Delivery
Subscription Products
Affiliate Marketing
Ad Tracking
Product Fulfilment
Integration with Third Party Software
Upgrades and Add-ons


Shopping Cart Catalog

Dynamic Catalog

Dynamic shopping cart catalog with 3 category levels. Each product may be included in more than one category and there are no logical limits to the number of products or categories that can be created.

Product Files

Product File Options are managed through the AShop administration panel.

Thumbnail images

Thumbnail images are automatically resized and optimized for catalog pages using GD or ImageMagick, depending on which modules are installed on the host server. The original product image can optionally be saved and linked from the thumbnail, which will then be shown with the text "Click to enlarge". Clicking the image will bring up the larger original image in a popup window. Uploading multiple images will let customers view them in a gallery window or on the product details pages. If product details pages are used, a larger version of the product image will be shown on those pages and if multiple images are available, they can be shown directly on the page by clicking their thumbnail.

HTML templates

Custom HTML page design templates used for the shopping cart pages can include backgrounds, images, links, meta tags, style sheets, and JavaScript. Categories and products can have their own meta tags for search engine optimization.

Frontpage or Dreamweaver

FrontPage and Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor can be used to customize the layout of the shopping cart by modifying the templates or themes.


Layout themes for turn-key set up without without need to create your own page templates.

Order link

Order link - Shopping cart Buy buttons and check out links can be easily inserted into HTML web pages on the local site, in remote sites, email and newsletters.


Modular storefront; product listings and category tree can be individually included within a modular storefront page. An example with the filename index.php is included. It can be edited just like the page templates by using a HTML editor. The shopping cart components can also be included in php files, for instance to include the product listings and/or category tree within your own custom page or script.

Top sellers

Top sellers and latest additions can be displayed in web pages by using one of the storefront modules or the javascript version.


eBay stores can link to the shopping cart checkout system to process payments and provide secure delivery of digital products.


Purchase or terms of sale agreement optionally set for the whole shopping cart. Customizable agreement page. Customer needs to check an "I agree" checkbox on checkout.

License agreement

Terms of sale or license agreements optionally set for each product. Agreement checkbox required for purchase.

Shopping cart modes

Shopping cart mode - The Shopping Cart Catalog can be used in 4 ways.

  • Add to cart button imageStandard Shopping Cart - allows multiple products AND more than one of each product to be added to the cart.
  • Single Product Shopping Cart - allows multiple products, but only quantity 1 of each product will be added to the cart (basket).
  • Buy button imageSingle Product Order - quantity one AND one product at a time, straight to checkout.
  • Price List - only shows a list of available products and their prices but does not offer any way to buy them. Can be used with AShop V's shopping mall to run a price comparison site.
Wish lists

Wish List feature allows customers to add products to a wish list and later add them to their cart or load a friend's wish list.

Layout options

Layout Settings - Easy modification of store logo, background colors, borders and font type through browser administration panel.

Editable text

Fully Editable Page Text . Text that retail customers see on pages and in email notices is in editable language files, which are open source and fully editable. Images may be substituted in place of text in some areas.


Language preference and currency is customer selectable. The shopping cart will display the labels, button images and product prices according to the language preference for each customer. The storefront can show a language selector as a drop down list and it is also possible to link directly to a specific language in your web pages or shopping cart templates. The language preference may also be selected by navigating to the language.php page.

Product attributes

Product attributes; selection of color, size, format, etc. for each product. Each product attribute alternative optionally can have it's own prices, product file(s), and buy button. Tax, download, and shipping can optionally be overridden for each attribute alternative. Attributes are selected by customers in the catalog pages from either a drop-down selector in a pop-up window or by clicking separate buy buttons within the product listing on the main page. Attributes can also be specified in order links used for custom buy buttons on any web page.

Customer input

Customer text entry fields can be created for each product by adding an attribute with zero alternatives. When a customer adds one of these products to the cart a pop-up window provides a text box where the customer enters the custom text. The text entry is included in the receipts and order notices and it is saved with the product information for the order for later reference.

Products per page

Number of products displayed per page can be limited in the catalog pages. Products are then displayed a page at a time for faster page loading when there is a large number of products per category. Page selector links are automatically generated at the bottom of the product listing pages.

Records IP

Customer's IP address is recorded for security with each order and included in the administrator's e-mailed order notice.

Retail and Wholesale

Separate retail and wholesale catalogs. If the wholesale catalog is activated, each product has separate retail and wholesale pricing and product activation/deactivation. Only approved wholesale customers can login to access the products at wholesale prices.

Wholesale signup

Wholesale account signup form with image characters for spam prevention. When the administrator approves a wholesale account application an email is automatically sent to the new customer with a link and password.

Price levels

Wholesale catalog has options for different price levels which can be set for each wholesale customer separately, giving them individual prices.

Tax exempt

Wholesale catalog is tax exempt. In countries where wholesale customers are not required to pay sales taxes.


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Languages, Currencies And Tax Calculation Methods

Multiple languages

Customer selectable language preference for shopping cart page text and images, product category selections, and receipt templates

Supported languages

Languages currently supported: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish, Hungarian and Russian. (More can be added if you provide translation.)

Multiple currencies

Shopping cart currency: US Dollar, Canada Dollar, GB Pound, Euro, Australian Dollar, or Singapore Dollar, Swedish Kronor, Norwegian Kronor, South African Rand. More are available for viewing product prices through automatica currency conversion, but only these currencies can be selected as the main shopping cart currency in which each order is actually paid.

Sales Tax and VAT

Sales tax can be calculated for: U.S. State Sales Tax, Canada GST/PST/HST, European Union (EU) VAT, South African VAT or Australian GST.

Sales tax on shipping

Sales tax can be applied to order subtotals before or after shipping and handling charges.

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Payment Processing Methods and Supported Payment Services

Payment processors

Most popular credit card payment processors are supported by the shopping cart. Supported payment gateways are pre-programmed for easy selection and setup.


PayPal IPN and Express Checkout/Web Site Payments Pro methods are supported.

Recurring payments

Recurring payments supported through PayPal Subscriptions, AlertPay Subscriptions, CCBill or Authorize.Net ARB.

Recurring affiliate commissions

Affiliate commission can be given on recurring payments.

Offline credit card processing

Offline credit card processing option collects number, exp date, security code for manual processing (requires SSL connection). For security, CC information is encrypted and then deleted from the database when each order is activated.

Manual payment

Manual payment options for payment by check, money order, or bank transfer. Option to deliver digital products before processing the order or after order activation. Option to activate manual orders immediately upon submission for delivering free products.

Unlimited payment options

Unlimited payment options can be created. Processing fees can optionally be added to each payment option. When more than one payment option exists, customers have option to select method of payment.

Delayed order activation

Delayed activation of downloads for manual payment methods. When a manual payment option is selected, the store administrator receives an order notice with a link to activate the order. Upon receipt of payment by check or other method, activation of order automatically sends password for downloadable product(s) and/or delivers key code. (Can optionally be set to deliver digital products before payment is received.)

Custom thank you message

Custom thankyou message for each payment option. The payment confirmation (thank you) message can be set individually for each payment option.


Optional TeleSign telephone verification service prevents credit card fraud by verifying the the customers' phone numbers. TeleSign makes automated phone calls and gives customers a 4 digit number, which must be entered before credit card information is submitted for processing.

Emailed receipts

Emailed receipts can be HTML or plain text. Separate receipt templates are used for each language. Receipt templates are editable open source files.

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Digital Product Delivery

Single or multiple downloadable files per product. Product files can be linked to attribute alternatives with a separate buy button and price for each alternative. For instance, a music product can be set up with a "Format" attribute and the alternatives can include file downloads (with or without sales tax) and CD shipments (with or without sales tax or shipping charges). If separate buy buttons are selected for the attribute alternatives, the price, file size and file type is automatically detected and displayed next to each buy button.

Automatic Passwords

Passwords are automatically generated and sent in e-mailed receipts with a link to login and download product files. In addition, the Automatic Delivery option logs customers into the product file download page immediately following receipt of payment. (Not supported by all payment gateways.)

Download Limits

The number of allowed downloads can be limited or unlimited. When there is a limit to the number of downloads it applies to each product file individually. For instance, if a customer buys more than one downloadable product in one order and has already downloaded one or more of the files, the product delivery page will only show a download button for the product files that have not exceeded the number of downloads limit. The login password for product downloads can also be set to expire in a set number of days or it can be unlimited.

Key codes, PIN codes, Unlock keys

Key codes (unlock code, serial number, activation code) are e-mailed in receipts. A list of key codes can be uploaded to the database for each product. When a key code is used, it is assigned to the customer who ordered the product. Notice is e-mailed to the store administrator if there are less than 5 key codes left or if there are none available to fill an order..


Resend/Reactivate receipts and digital products to the customer's address or an alternate email address. Includes option to reactivate downloads if a customer has trouble and exceeds the number of downloads limit before successfully downloading the product file(s).

Send updates

Send update feature for sending notices and providing subsequent file downloads to customers who have previously purchased a specific product. Includes from-to date selector so it can be used to send messages to customers who have purchased a specific product within a specific time span.

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Shipping and Handling Calculations

Shipping per product

Shipping Options Set For Each Product

  • Flat rate
  • Quantity Price Levels
  • USPS real time lookup with multiple package capability for each product and individual origin zip code for each package. (for drop-shipping multi-piece products from multiple suppliers)
  • FedEx US real time lookup with multiple package capability for each product and individual origin zip code for each package. (for drop-shipping multi-piece products from multiple suppliers)
  • UPS US and Canada real time lookup with multiple package capability for each product and individual origin zip code for each package. (for drop-shipping multi-piece products from multiple suppliers)
Storewide shipping

Storewide weight based shipping can use USPS, UPS, FedEx, or flat rate per pound. Multiple packages are created based on a maximum weight per box setting. Storewide shipping looks up or calculates the number of packages and total weight per package based upon the weight of all the products in the order that use storewide shipping. Storewide shipping products can be mixed in each order with products that use individual (per product) shipping calculations. This is convenient when very large or oversize products are sold in the same shopping cart with small or bulk products.


Watkins ML shipping rate lookup for heavy products such as furniture, which are shipped by truck carrier. (Watkins ML was bought by FedEx in 2007.)

Zip Zone Tables

Custom zip/zone tables with zone rates set per each product

Handling fees

Local or international per order handling charges with multiple local origin countries

Custom shipping

Custom shipping options with or without additional shipping charges can be created. The customer selectable options are specific for local, international, or both types of shipping destinations.

Customer selectable shipping

Customer selectable USPS, FedEx or UPS service options. If this feature is activated, customers have choice of available standard and premium shipping services. Shipping rates are calculated and displayed in the View Cart page based on selected shipping service, for example; Ground, 3-day, 2-day, Overnight.

Quantity shipping discounts

Quantity based shipping discounts can be applied to products with specific shipping options or to all products that have shipping charges set.

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Discount Coupon Codes and Gift Certificates

Discount coupons

Discount coupon can be created with a percentage or currency discount. A discount can be set for each product or a discount may be applied to all products within a category or to all products in the catalog. A discount can also be personal and only usable by a specific customer.

Graphical gift certificates

Graphical gift certificates can be assigned to products to automatically deliver a nice illustrated gift certificate card by email with a personal discount code. The buyer can select to send it as a gift to someone else. This can also be used as a way to sell electronic greeting cards.

Referral discounts

Referral code system for print and media advertising provides customers with product discounts, which is an incentive to enter a referral code, which ensures affiliates that they earn their commissions. It can also be used to track advertising campaigns.

One time discounts

One-time discounts can be created created and sent to individual customers and to a list of customers.

Products as gifts

One-time free product file download message can be sent. The gift message includes a link and password to download product file(s).


Free Product Order Form

Free products

Products can be created with zero price. When a free product is ordered, a free customer information form, which does not require payment is used instead of the usual payment form options. The free product order form can be set to collect full contact information such as address, city, state, country, and phone number OR it can be set to only collect the name and email address. Free products can be ordered from the catalog or they can be ordered from web pages and newsletters using Order-Link. Free products can be used for promotion, to build a mailing list, or simply to monitor downloads of files.

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Sales Of Password Protected Member Access
(Subscription Directories)

Membership subscriptions

An unlimited number of password protected (subscription) directories can be set created. Passwords to protected directories can be set to expire in a number of days. Passwords and subscriptions can be managed through the administration panel and usage can be tracked.


Affiliate Marketing and Tracking

Affiliate tracking

Affiliate commission tracking. Tier-1 commissions are set per product by percentage or amount. Tier-2 commissions are set as a percentage of orders that are received from each affiliate's down line. An unlimited number of additional tiers are defined by lowering the tier-2 commissions by a certain amount per tier. The shopping cart can be used without any affiliate tracking, with only 1-tier activated, or with multi-tier tracking.

Upgraded commissions

Upgraded commissions. Each product has two tier-1 commissions settings AND two tier-2 percentage levels can be set for the affiliate program. Each affiliate can be set to receive normal level or upgraded level (tier-1 and tier-2) commissions. Affiliates can also be automatically upgraded after they have referred a specific number of orders.

Affiliate signup

Affiliate sign up form with image character spam prevention. Automated password generation and welcome message sent to new affiliates.

Affiliate area

Affiliate support panel for each affiliate to login and view stats, get link code, change their contact information, contact their sponsor or downline or get leads (if activated by the shop admin).

Manual referral

Manual referral code discount system for word of mouth and print advertisement.

HTML templates

Customizable HTML page template for affiliate login pages

Link codes

Automatic link and banner HTML link code generation for each affiliate, with definable categories for easy access to different types of link codes: banners, text links, text ads and so on.

Link codes

Page replication. Affiliates can get their own personalized sales pages or mini sites. The shopping cart itself can also use this feature by adding replication tags to the page templates.

Banner codes

Multiple link codes with ad copy or banner images can be created and made available to affiliates. Each affiliate link code can include a redirect URL that points to a specific product page or remote web site.

Affiliate notices

Notice is sent to affiliate and affiliate manager when a commission is earned. Email address for affiliate manager is set independently from store administrator.

Affiliate commissions by PayPal

Affiliate commissions paid by PayPal or marked as paid by check or other method from within the administration panel.

Affiliate stats

Affiliate stats - view click, orders, earned and owed commission reports


Chargeback feature creates an opposite transaction from the original order to reverse sales history and to reverse affiliate commissions for returned or canceled orders.

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Support For Third-Party Tracking Systems

Thank You variables

Ability to insert variables into the Thank You Message for each payment option by using tokens. %orderid% = Order ID, %amount% = Sale Amount, %firstname% %lastname% = Customer Name to collect order and customer information by third-party software.


Messaging - Mailing List Management - Bulletin Board

Mailing to customers

Email messaging to customers in HTML-format or plain text. A mass mailing can be paused and resumed at a later time. While sending out a mass mailing a counter is shown to indicate how many receipients the message has been sent to and how many are left.

Mailing to affiliates

Email messaging to affiliates in HTML-format or plain text


Integration with our own hosted Autoresponder-Service. Free account included with each full software license. Customers can be automatically signed up with one autoresponder and signed off from another autoresponder, if already subscribed, when they purchase a product. This can be set for each product separately. One autoresponder can also be used as a newsletter mailing list, which visitors can subscribe to through a module on the storefront.

Third party systems

Integration with ListMessenger, ListMail Pro, and AutoResponse Plus for extended mailing list functionality. Customers can be added to specific mailing groups based upon each product purchased.

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Sales Reports

Sales Reports

Generate sales reports by date range with sort order by date, product, or customer.

Downloadble Reports

Reports can be viewed online or downloaded in csv text file for use in Microsoft Excel and other programs.

Edit Reports

Sales reports in edit mode can be used to chargeback canceled orders and to resend receipts and reactivate product file download password expiration dates.


Product Fulfilment

Fulfilment options

Unlimited number of fulfilment options can be created. Each product can be assigned a fulfilment option.

Email fulfilment

Custom email fulfilment options to send order notices anywhere.


SwiftCD fulfilment option orders CDs on demand through the SwiftCD service.


Kunaki fulfilment option orders CDs and DVDs on demand through the Kunaki service.


S2Member fulfilment option to sell access to a membership based Wordpress site.

Automation API

Automation fulfilment option enables posting of order data for custom integration with 3rd party software and APIs.

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Third Party Software Integration


ListMessenger AShop V integrates with the free ListMessenger Lite and ListMessenger Pro. When ListMessenger is installed on the same server as AShop, each product can be associated with a mailing list group. When a customers purchase associated products, they are added to the mailing list group.


ListMail Pro is a commercial mailing list management program written in PHP using a mySQL database. When ListMail Pro is installed on the same server as AShop and the $listmailpath is set in admin/, each product can be associated with a ListMail Pro mailing list group. When a customers purchase associated products, they are added to the mailing list group.


PunBB is a free bulletin board software written in PHP. AShop can automatically add your customers to certain forums on your PunBB when they buy a product from you, either to provide free access to a community related to your products, or to sell membership to the forum as the actual product itself.


AutoResponse Plus is a commercial programmable autoresponder program written in Perl using a mySQL database. When AR+ is installed on the same server as AShop, product orders can initiate specific preprogrammed autoresponses that are sent at timed intervals.


Ventrino Traffic Exchange is a manual traffic exchange software written in PHP using a MySQL database. AShop can use surf credits from a Ventrino Traffic Exchange as a kind of virtual currency, making it possible to sell any kind of items and be paid in marketing.

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Upgrades and Add-ons

The free GPL version of AShop does not include the multi vendor Shopping Mall or the Sales Office, which can be added at a later time by upgrading to AShop V. The cost for AShop V which includes both these addons is a one-time fee of $279.

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Automated Online Order and Payment Processing System.
Select topic.Shopping Cart Tour
Select topic.Frequently Asked Questions
Select topic.AShop Forum

Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
Select topic.Sales Office Tour

Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
Select topic.Shopping Mall Tour

Clients & Partners
Select topic.Clients
Select topic.Affiliates
Select topic.Resellers

Downloads and Services
Select topic.File Downloads & Trials
Select topic.Installation Service
Select topic.Request Tech Support
Select topic.Buy Products & Services

Select topic.About Us
Select topic.Contact Us
Select topic.Privacy & Security Policies

Select topic.Web Hosting Services
Select topic.Payment Services
Select topic.eCommerce Tools
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AShop Software © copyright 2002 - 2012  
Ashop Software Swedish