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Multi Tier Affiliate Commission Tracking

Multi tier affiliate commission tracking in AShop Software calculates commissions for affiliates both when they refer customers and when they recruit new affiliates that refer customers.

Tier one commissions are earned by affiliates who promote your products. Tier one commissions are set per product by an amount or percentage of the product price and are paid to affiliates for referring customers who order products directly from your site through affiliate links.

Tier two, three, four... commissions are earned by affiliates who promote your affiliate sales program. Multi tier commissions are paid to each affiliate who signs up other affiliates (who earn the tier one commissions for direct referral sales). The tier 2 commissions are set per product by an amount or percentage of the product price while the tiers above 2 are defined by a "lower by" setting, which makes each additional tier recieve the tier 2 commission minus the "lower by" value. The multi tier amount per order is typically a much smaller amount compared to the tier 1 commission rate, however when multiplied by numerous affiliate signups, it creates a powerful incentive to promote your affiliate sales program.

How multi tier Affiliate Commissions Work.

  • Tier-1 commissions are set by percentage or dollar amount per product.
  • Tier-2 commissions are set by a percentage or dollar amount per product.
  • Tier-3,4,5... commissions are calculated by lowering the second tier by a set amount per tier.
  • Every affiliate can potentially earn tier-1 and/or multi tier commissions.
  • Tier-1 commissions are earned by direct sales referrals.
  • Affiliates earn multi tier commissions from sales of other affiliates who signed up through them.

Affiliate A signs up and places a sign up link on his web site.
Affiliate B signs up through Affiliate A.
Affiliate C signs up through Affiliate B.

When a customer buys something through a link on Affiliate A's site Affiliate A will receive the tier-1 commission rate for each product that is ordered.

When a customer buys something through a link on Affiliate B's site Affiliate B will receive the commission rate for each product that is ordered and Affiliate A will receive the second tier commission.

When someone buys something from a link on Affiliate C's site Affiliate C will receive the tier-1 commission rate for each product ordered, Affiliate B will receive the second tier commission and Affiliate A will receive the third tier commission.

Each affiliate places a sign up form link and a sales link on his or her web site. Each affiliate earns the tier-1 commissions for AShop sales that come through his sales link and also earns a smaller commission for sales by the affiliates that have signed up through his or her sign up form link or affiliates that have signed up through the link of an affiliate they have recruited.

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