Shopping Cart Software
Shopping Cart Software CRM Sales Office Affiliate Referral Tracking Digital Product Delivery

Digital Product Delivery

Digital products and downloadable product files are protected against unauthorized download by AShop's Secure Download. After payment is processed, a password and link to download product files is sent in the receipt. An Automatic Deliver option will automatically log customers into the digital product download page directly after payment is completed (not supported by all payment processing gateways). In addition, order and fulfilment information may be included in the payment confirmation page by inserting tokens into the thank you message, which is editable for each payment option.

AShop shopping cart software delivers key codes within the emailed receipt and registers each used key code to the corresponding customer record so that it can be referenced later.

AShop delivers passwords for access to protected subscription directories.
Sell access to digital resources, blogs, educational material, file downloads, private forums, etc. You can even include a shopping cart within the protected directory, which could be used for resellers or special deals for subscribers only.

The Shopping Mall capabilities of AShop V lets other businesses and individuals sell their digital products through your online shopping cart. It includes a system for members to join, manage their digital products and earn commissions through a central order processing, payment processing, and product delivery system. more...

AShop Shopping Cart Tour - Digital Shopping Mall Tour





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Automated Online Order and Payment Processing System.
Select topic.Shopping Cart Tour
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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
Select topic.Sales Office Tour

Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
Select topic.Shopping Mall Tour

Clients & Partners
Select topic.Clients
Select topic.Affiliates
Select topic.Resellers

Downloads and Services
Select topic.File Downloads & Trials
Select topic.Installation Service
Select topic.Request Tech Support
Select topic.Buy Products & Services

Select topic.About Us
Select topic.Contact Us
Select topic.Privacy & Security Policies

Select topic.Web Hosting Services
Select topic.Payment Services
Select topic.eCommerce Tools
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Ashop Software Swedish