Shopping Cart Software
Shopping Cart Software CRM Sales Office Affiliate Referral Tracking Digital Product Delivery

Sell Downloadable Products on the Internet
To sell digital products online, you need a secure way of delivering the product. You could provide a payment form or shopping cart with a link to the downloadable product file, but then anybody could link to your files and download them. The solution is an automated, system that protects your product files against unauthorized downloads, only allows access to the products after payment has been processed, limits the duration and number or downloads and notifies you when when each customer downloads a product file.

AShop Secure Download
Protects Downloadable Products 3-Ways:

Product File Renaming
Digital product files are renamed and saved in a protected directory that can only be accessed within the server by the AShop program. The original product file name is stored in the database. When delivery of the product file is authorized, AShop puts the file name together with the protected product file and facilitates the download.

Password Protection
After payment has been processed, a random password is automatically generated and e-mailed to the customer along with a link to the download login page. Limits can be set for password expiration and number of downloads per product file.

No Direct Linking
The downloadable product files can not be downloaded directly from your website. The only way to download them is by logging in to the AShop delivery area. It is not possible to link to a downloadable product file and with the limits that can be set on the downloads your files will be safe from unauthorized access.

Digital Product Delivery

Single or multiple downloadable files per product. Product files can be uploaded and stored in a folder on your AShop shopping cart site through the administration panel or they can be linked from another server. Product files can be associated with attribute alternatives with a separate buy button and price for each alternative. For instance, a music product can be set up with a "Format" attribute and the alternatives can include file downloads (with or without sales tax) and CD shipments (with or without sales tax or shipping charges). If separate buy buttons are selected for the attribute alternatives, the price, file size and file type is automatically detected and displayed next to each buy button.

Password is generated and sent in e-mailed receipt with link to login and download product files. In addition, Automatic Delivery option logs customers in to the product file download page immediately following receipt of payment. (Not supported by all payment gateways.) Customers can also access the delivery area from their order history page if they are logged in.

The number of allowed downloads can be limited or unlimited. When there is a limit to the number of downloads it applies to each product file individually. For instance, if a customer buys more than one downloadable product in one order and has already downloaded one or more of the files, the product delivery page will only show a download button for the product files that have not exceeded the number of downloads limit.

The login password for product downloads can be set to expire in a number of days from the order date or it can be unlimited.

Key code (unlock code, activation code) lists e-mailed in receipt. A list of key codes can be uploaded to the database for each product. When a key code is used, it is assigned to the customer who ordered the product. Notice is e-mailed to the store administrator if there are less than 5 key codes left or if there are none available to fill an order.

Resend feature for sending duplicate receipts to the customer's address or an alternate email address for customers with problem email addresses or overactive spam filters. Includes option to reactivate downloads if a customer has trouble and exceeds the number of downloads limit before successfully downloading the product file(s).

Send update feature for sending notices and providing subsequent file downloads to customers who have purchased a specific product. Includes from-to date selector so it can be used to send messages or provide file downloads to customers who have purchased the product within a specific time span.

Gift feature for sending free downloadable products to individual customers.

AShop V Feature List


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