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TeleSign - Fraud Prevention Using Phone Verification

TeleSign is a pre-payment processing telephone verification service, which can substantially reduce fraudulent credit card transactions. TeleSign verifies that the customer phone number is legitimate before sending the payment information to the payment processor. It stops most third-world credit card fraud and ensures that payment transactions are not submitted as part of an automated process.

TeleSign verification is activated in the AShop Deluxe administration panel by entering a TeleSign account number. If the field is blank, the verification process is deactivated and the payment form posts directly to the payment gateway when it is submitted.

How TeleSign Telephone Verification Works

When the payment form is submitted, the order and credit card information is saved temporarily while the TeleSign verification takes place and the customer is directed to a page where the verification number must be entered before proceeding.

TeleSign dials the customers phone and when the call is answered an automated voice says a pass number and repeats it. When the correct pass number is submitted in the verification form, the order is posted to the payment gateway for processing.

TeleSign Customer Login and Telephone Call Records
TeleSign provides a login and management system to view called numbers and status.

TeleSign verification is supported with payment options that use the local payment information form (orderform.php). Payment gateways supported include: 3rd Level Billing, Authorize.Net AIM, Echo, eSelect, IonGate, PayNova, PayReady, PSbill, and Verisign PayFlo Pro.

TeleSign Rates

Please see the web site for rates, to see a demo and to sign up.

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