AShop Deluxe New Feature Overview - Version 4.2
Below is an overview of major changes in AShop Deluxe, which were
added since version 4.1.2
(Version 4.1 was released and then replaced with 4.1.2 within a
few days. 4.1.3 was installed on a few sites, but was not released
to the general public.)
For a complete list of new features and bug fixes, see: AShop
Deluxe Version Release Notes
Incemental Quantity Based Pricing Per Product
There is a new button named Quantity Pricing for each product in
the the Edit Catalog page.
Incremental quantity based pricing per product sets price levels
for a product based upon the total quantity for that product OR
total quantity of all products in the basket. The price stays the
same for products within each quantity range. Do not confuse this
type of quantity based pricing with cummulative quantity based pricing,
where the price of all quantities changes at each quantity level.
We will add an option for that type of quantity based calculation
In this example, the calculation is based upon the TOTAL OF ALL
PRODUCTS IN THE BASKET. The price of the product is 9.95 each when
the total quantity of all products in the basket is 1 through 5,
7.95 each when the total quantity is 5 through 20, and 5.95 each
when the total quantity is more than 20.
Since the original product price is no longer valid, there is a
pricing description, which appears in the catalog instead of the
original price.
In receipts where there are quantity based price calculations,
the product price is replaced with the text "QtyBased".
More Language Support
Language sets
are now available for English, Swedish, Spanish, Japanese, and Italian.
Note that only the en language package is distributed with the installation
and update packages. Additional language files and buttons are available
from our downloads page.
Added Support For Password Robot
(works same as Password Administrator +)
Added Search Tool In Admin Edit Catalog Pages
Product Activation/Deactivation Shortcut Icon/Links
Each product may now be activated or deactivated (shown or hidden
in the dynamic catalog) by clicking on the shortcut icon in each
product listing. The icons used to be only indicators and the products
had to be activated/deactivated from within each edit product page.
Now, clicking on each icon directly activates or deactivates each
product for resale and wholesale catalogs.
Option To Save Original Customer Receipt
There is now an option to save a flat file copy of the original
customer receipt that was sent for each order. To activate this
feature add a directory named "receipts" to the the admin
directory and give it permissions of 777.
For each saved receipt, the order number listed in sales reports
is now a link, which when clicked opens the original receipt in
a new browser window so that it may be copied, faxed to a customer,
or printed to use as a packing list.
Categories Visible Only When One Or More Active
Products (retail and wholesale)
Categories, which do not have at least one active product do not
appear in the category tree at all. This now works independently
for retail and wholesale catalogs so that retail and wholesale catalogs
can have different category structure and/or products.
4.1.2 New Feature Overview (Released Sept 29, 2005)
4.0 New Feature Overview (Released April 2005)
Current Version New Feature Overview
Index of New Feature Overviews For Other Versions
For a complete
list of new features and bug fixes, see:
AShop Deluxe Version Release
Notes (text notes going back a few versions)