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Shopping Cart Payment Options

The shopping cart program supports many popular payment gateways.
List of supported payment gateways.

The shopping cart may have any number of payment options. Each payment option can use a different payment gateway or the same gateway can be used for more than one payment option. For instance, more than one payment confirmation message may be needed or a fee might be charged in some cases. The program is very flexible in this way. In addition, tracking tokens can be passed through to the payment confirmation page for ad tracking.

Payment options are added by selecting from a drop-down box. For most payment gateways, the payment option can be setup through the browser administration panel. In some cases, there may be settings at the payment processor's end or installation of additional (payment processing) software on the server.

Add Payment Option

If only one payment option is created, when customers check out they go directly to the payment information page. If more than one payment option is created, when customers check out they are asked to select from available payment options.

Select Payment Option

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Members join and contribute downloadable products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
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