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Shopping Cart Language Sets

The text and images that customers see in the retail catalog and in receipts is set to English when the program is first installed, but this can easily be changed. Additional languages may be uploaded and customers may each select a language preference. Each language set consists of a set of language files (text), a set of button images, and a receipt template. Language packs are free to download from this site.

Shopping cart language preference for each customer uses language files, a button set, and a receipt template.

Shopping Cart Language Preference Selection

Language preference in the shopping cart may be selected by linking to the language.php file with a language parameter.
Example: opens the catalog using Spanish buttons and page labels, and uses the Spanish receipt template.

Spanish Catalog

If language.php is called without specifying a language, a page will open with flag images to select from.

This is a screen shot only and not a working selector.

Product names, descriptions and other product details can be set up separately for each language under language specific categories. When a language is selected, a redirect parameter sends customers to the page that displays only the products that are supported in the selected language.

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