Digital Mall Version Notes Version
Notes - Main
4.8.8 released 11-11-2008
Subscription products may now be assigned to members in order to track member commissions when the subscriptions are sold. This feature is limited by the fact that each subscription product requires a protected directory to be created and permissions to be set, which requires FTP access and manual intervention. The setup of each subscription directory can be done manually by the mall administrator, but if there are a large number of members and subscription products, this task could become time consuming. Automating the creation of protected directories requires root access and custom programming on each server so it is most likely not an option with most (cheap) virtual hosting services.
4.8.1 released 5-6-2008
The members/signupform.php now has a security code image (it requires the GD software to be installed with PHP on the server).
The admin/login.php table properties can now be controlled through the admin/admin.css style sheet in order to customize the member login page.
The admin/ file is now distributed in open source so that tool tips, which appear in the members' admin panels, may be customized.
Products belonging to multiple members may be purchased in one order. Each member will earn commissions for only his/her products. Each member will receive a notice and it will only contain information about sold items belonging to that member.
If Digital Mall is installed and separate member shops is deactivated the catalogue.php script will now include a link next to the product name which will list all products by that member.
When testing new member signup, if using the same email address for more than one member account, the error message incorrectly stated "the username is already in use". Added a duplicate email error validation message. Other than that there are no limitations to how many users you can signup or login as from the same computer.
Fixed cookie trouble with the member shopping cart catalogs. You couldn't previously switch between different member shops and buy things from them without breaking some of the features of the cart, such as the layout templates which would incorrectly remain the same as the previous shop you visited. Now the layout and templates change with the member catalog selection.
4.7.0 released 7-5-2007
The browser window will now keep track of the member shop you are using without setting any cookies and it is possible to have more than one shop open at the same time. The old scripts weren't built to allow simultaneous shopping in separate DM member stores. They used a cookie to remember which store was being used. You could switch to another store but then the cookie would be replaced and you would be stuck with that store until switching again. Customers are now able to buy from different stores at the same time using different browser windows.
The DM member catalogs are now opened in new browser windows and with the correct theme. Fixed the theme from the previously visited store was applied to the next one by mistake because of an obsolete cookie which is now removed.
Fixed problem with themes not working for member catalogs register_globals is off in the server settings. Modified the file - the $shop variable isn't set when register_globals if off since the register_globals fix (the file) isn't applied until after this variable is used. Fixed it in the file and update.php (which overwrites that file).
The members/index.php script will now use application-$lang.txt if one exists. If it doesn't the old application.txt will be used if it exists.
Fixed - The DM member messaging page did not send any email to the members because of a variable name conflict in admin/mailmember.php. The feature to split up a list into sections on the admin/editmembercat.php page (the page that lists products belonging to a particular member) was broken.
4.6.0 2006-02-22
The move/copy to category page will now display subcategories for DM members, when you login to activate a member product the category it belongs to is selected in the category tree
There is a new way to activate member products through the member product catalog page (the new icon on the Manage Members page)
4.5.1 2006-11-28
Fixed - When a mall member sends mail to their customers through the 'customers and messaging' menu in the admin panel the return address was that of the store administrator and not the mall member that is logged in who sends the email from within their individual admin panel.
Member products can now be available in the main shop - belonging to the Digital Mall administrator - as well as in the members' own shop. This can be activated either by copying the product to a category that belongs to the administrator using the Categories button on the Edit Catalog page or by checking the check box "Visible in main shop" on the Edit Product page.
When logged in as admin, in Sales Reports, the receipt links were opening in the same browser. This is changed to open each receipt in a new browser window.
It is now possible for the Digital Mall administrator to list products belonging to a member by clicking a new icon on the Manage Members page.
The owner of each product is displayed on the Edit Catalog page when the Digital Mall administrator is logged in.
Customer contact information can be hidden from Digital Mall members by unchecking the new setting "Display Customer Info" on the Store Configuration->Shop Parameters page in the admin panel in the Shopping Mall section. If this is unchecked the customer contact info will not be included in the order notice, which is sent to members, and the Customers and Messaging page will be unavailable to members.
4.4.0 2006-08-21
Removed all AShop brand names from member admin panels and changed file names of ashop.gif and ashoplogo.gif so that member shops can now be private labeled.
The affiliate commission was previously deducted from the selling price before the member commission was calculated. Removed the lines that deduct the affiliate commission from the member sales reports so that the member commission is not affected by the affiliate commission. To make a profit, the mall admin must now make sure that the affiliate commission is a lower value than the member commission.
The Digital Mall signup form now has its' own language modules to make it possible to customize the text and support different languages. The shop name, shop category and shop description fields will not be shown in the form when separate shops are turned off.
4.3.2 (limited release)
If the new option "Member Products Default to Active" on the Store Configuration->Shop Parameters page is unchecked an email notice will be sent each time a DM member has created a new product. The product will remain inactive until the admin clicks the link in the notice which will let him view and activate the product after loggin in to the admin panel.
The "Member Product Template" textbox can be used to set a default product description for all new member products. The customer wanted this so he could turn the description field into a kind of form. For example:
The member will then just add the missing information to the default description.
returnurl paramter didn't work in the thank
you page with the payment gateways that displayed the thank you message separately
from processing the order, like PayPal. Modified to make it work for those gateways
too. The ashopname will also now be replaced with the member shop name when using
these gateways.
Added a way for mall admin to
assign categories, not just products, to members. These new scripts will be needed
by anyone who wishes to use this combination of Digital Mall settings: Member
catalogs = On and Member product management = Off.
bug in the update.php script that made all member orders be reset to unpaid when
updating from an early version of Digital Mall. Fixed bug that only affects
sites that have register_globals set to Off in php.ini. Continue shopping was
directing to main catalog instead of member page. The $shop variable was being
read in the code before the had been included but when register_globals
is Off there are no variable values available before is included.
Rearranged the code to make this work.
product management" work independently of the "Member catalogs"
setting. Mall administrator can edit all member products regardless of the member
catalogs settings. As long as Digital Mall is installed, all products and categories
with all options, like shipping, fulfilment etc will always be available to the
administrator, who can assign a product to a member with the Owner Member setting
on the Add/Edit Product pages.
Changed the
code to identify when only one member shops products are included and replace
the shop name with the member shop in this case. When the order contains products
from more than one member shop the $ashopname will still be used. Fixed
- When member shops are enabled, the return URL in the thankyou page said Back
to $ashopname (main mall shop name) when it should have said Back to $shopname
(member shop name).
Removed member admin panel nav
link for Manage Affiliate. Removed quick stats, which do not apply to affiliates,
from the admin panel index page. Removed trash (delete member) icon from
member sales report page. Removed affiliate related columns from member sales
reports and revised price/amount columns.
Added a
way to generate a recap of commissions owed to members and to pay them without
members first requesting payment; identical to the Statistics & Payments option
in Manage Affiliates with columns for orders, earned, and action to pay members. The
members are no longer able to add new categories if membershops is turned off. Added
main mall catalog for all member products. Removed ability for members to edit
categories when individual member shops are disabled. |