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Page Templates

AShop page templates are simply HTML web pages. The only difference between AShop page templates and other HTML web pages are the special tags that are inserted in the place where the catalog content is to appear. There are a few different page templates. Each one is used in a different area of the program. For instance, one page template is used for the catalog and search pages, one is used for the view cart and check out pages, and another is used for the payment confirmation page.

Shopping Cart Page Template

Catalog Layout

Colors, borders, font styles, and other layout parameters for the catalog area of the pages are set through the browser administration panel Store Configuration > Layout menu.

shopping cart layout settings
shopping cart layout settings


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Shopping Cart
Automated Online Order and Payment Processing System.
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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
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Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute downloadable products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
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Clients & Partners
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