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Shopping Cart Themes

A shopping cart theme is a set of page templates, button images, and a configuration file. A theme can be used to preset the layout parameters such as background colors, border colors, and fonts. Predesigned themes are available here: Download themes. A theme can be selected through the Layout menu to quickly create a new online store or to change the look and feel an existing online store. (If a theme is not selected in the Layout menu, then the shopping cart will use the page templates and button images from the root directory of the shopping cart installation and all of the Layout settings that are set in the database.)

Shopping Cart Themes

Button Themes

Button themes are themes that only have button images. The config file is set to only use the buttons in the theme and nothing else. There are no page templates in a theme that is designated as a button set. Instead, the default templates, which are in the shopping cart root directory, are used. The default page templates can easily be made to match the rest of the web site pages for seemless navigation. One button theme is included with the AShop Deluxe new installation package. Additional button sets may be downloaded from this site. The button sets can be used to create more themes, which may then be selected from the Layout menu, or they can be used to replace the default button set, which is in the AShop root images folder.

Button Sets

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