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The shopping cart software may be used to display and sell products using a variety of methods.

  • Dynamically Generated Catalog Pages are created by the software automatically. The software uses page templates for a standardized store layout. The product listing area of the page has the search bar on top, the category tree on the left and product listing area on the right.
  • Separate Category Tree and Product Listing areas can be included as individual components and placed anwhere within web pages. Basic HTML skills are required. An unlimited number of customized product pages may be created using this method.
  • Buy Now buttons or links can be used to link to the shopping cart from any web page. The code for the links are generated automatically by the shopping cart software's administration panel. Just click the chain link icon on a product to get the code you need, copy it and paste it into the web page you want to link from.

Dynamically Generated Catalog Pages are created automatically by the software, which uses page templates, color and font settings, product data, and images to create web pages on the fly and serve them to the browser as needed. Objects in the pages are inserted or not depending on the store configuration and product settings, which are set through the browser based online administration panel.

Shopping cart catalog is created by the program from page templates, language files, images, and data.

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Shopping Cart
Automated Online Order and Payment Processing System.
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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
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Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute downloadable products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
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Clients & Partners
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