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Automatically Apply Discounts From Affiliate Referral Link URL

A (manual) referral code is automatically created for each affiliate upon signup. The 10 character referral code is created using some characters from the affiliate's name combined with some numbers. It is editable by the administrator. A referral code may be entered to record affiliate clicks and set tracking cookies. In addition, the referral code automatically activates product discounts, which may be selectively assigned to each affiliate. Affiliate referral codes and product discount codes are related by the assignment of discount code(s) to each affiliate.

Referral Code - Manual or Automatic
The referral code can be used to track referrals by manual entry of the code into a text box. This method was originally created to use in conjunction with print and word of mouth advertising for a school fundraiser. The referral code may ALSO be included in a link URL to automatically record clicks, set tracking cookies, AND to selectively set product discounts when visitors click through.

Difference Between Affiliate Link and Referral Code

Affiliate link URL's send customers to the script affiliate.php with an "id=" parameter. The affiliate.php script reads the id= parameter in the URL, records the click, sets a tracking cookie, and redirects to catalogue.php (or another page if a redirect= parameter is included).
Affiliate Link Code Generator Help Topic

A referral code may be manually entered into a form text box or it may be included in the URL to affiliate.php as a parameter "referrer=". In addition to counting clicks and planting tracking cookies, all product discounts that are assigned to the referring affiliate are automatically set for the customer and appear in the catalog discount boxes.
Referral Code Help Topic
Referral Codes and Discounts Help Topic

Create Product Discount

A discount may be created for each product.

Discount Button

A discount may be created for more than one product at the same time by creating a discount for a category...


Set a discount code.

Discount Code

The same discount may be set at once for all products in a category or all products in the catalog. When a discount is created for a group of products, it actually sets the same discount for each product in the group. After being set for a group or products, the discount for each product may then be individually edited or deleted without changing the rest of the discounts that were previously set for other products.
Product Discount Help Topic

Assign Discount To Affiliate

Select Manage Affiliates, then click on the discount icon Discount Icon to the right of the listed affiliate.


Select the discount and assign it to the affiliate. Any number of discounts may be assigned to each affiliate.

Add Referral Discount

Set Referral Code Automatically With Link URL Parameter

Using the affiliate's referral code, create a link URL that goes to affiliate.php and includes the "referrer=" parameter for the affiliate.

Manual Referral Code

Here is an example of the referral URL as described above.

A "redirect=" parameter may be added to control where affiliate.php redirects to. The parameters can be used in this way for local/relative links and for absolute links to local or remote pages or scripts. In this example the redirect is an absolute URL, in which a search parameter is specified. (The line most likely appears with line breaks in your browser. The actual URL is one continuous line of characters.)

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