Shopping Cart Software
Shopping Cart Software CRM Sales Office Affiliate Referral Tracking Digital Product Delivery

AShop for Downloads Shopping Cart Software

As of October 1, 2004, we are no longer selling AShop for Downloads. We will continue to provide technical support until existing support agreements expire. We recommend that all AShop for Downloads users upgrade to AShop Deluxe, which supports digital product delivery and much more. The existing shop can be upgraded without affecting current settings and products that are in the catalogue. If OrderForm or OrderLink methods are being used in HTML pages, the links must be modified to work with AShop Deluxe.

Upgrade AShop for Downloads to AShop Deluxe $


Software Installation Service

For installation, please complete a brief technical service request form. There is an option to add service fees to the shopping cart and to check out after the tech service form is submitted.

Subtotal: $
View Cart:
Check out

Hosted shopping cart service and web hosting plans that include the AShop Deluxe shopping cart program are available through AShop Web Hosting


2-Tier Affiliate Commission Tracking
File Downloader for Protected Digital Product Delivery
eMailing of Key Codes For Unlocking Trial Software
One-Time License Fee $129 Single Domain or $279 3-Domains

AShop for Downloads is shopping cart program and affiliate marketing system. The shopping cart program and 2-tier affiliate commission tracking is easy to manage through a browser and includes functions for selling digital products. The AShop shopping cart and 2-tier affiliate commission program runs on most Unix or Linux servers with PHP4 and mySQL.

Shopping Cart Program For Digital Products
The shopping cart program delivers passwords and handles downloading of protected digital product files such as software, ebooks, and music. The shopping cart program will also send key codes for unlocking software or for activating phone cards.

Affiliate Marketing and 2-Tier Commission Tracking
Affiliate marketing is fully integrated with the shopping cart program for an easy to use, turn-key affiliate marketing and sales system. Features include automated signups, affiliate login panel, affiate link code generation, 2-tier commission tracking, email management, commission payments by PayPal, reporting of stats and commissions and more.

Shopping Cart Catalogue or Custom Product Pages
Sell products from within a product catalogue, individual static HTML pages, and even from within email messages. AShop supports three ways to display products for sale. All three methods may be used simultaneously.

Dynamic Shopping Cart Pages
AShop generates page content from product information that is stored in a database. This content appears nested within HTML templates for seamless integration with existing web pages. The dynamically generated shopping cart is the easiest way to organize and manage many products. No special skills required.

Static HTML Shopping Cart or Single Product Pages
OrderForm code is used to include shopping cart subtotal boxes and View Cart, Checkout or Buy buttons withing static HTML pages. This method allows for complete customization while having full shopping cart functionality. Only basic HTML skills are required to insert OrderForm code into pages.

Remote Order Links
Order links can be used from just about anywhere including remote servers and from within emails. The order links go straight to checkout with the specified products in the shopping cart basket. No special skills required.

Fast and Courteous Technical Support
Get your affiliate marketing system up and running in a very short time. Webmasters will find the program easy to install on a Linux or Unix server that supports PHP4 and mySQL. Non-technical users: For a very modest fee, we will do the entire installation and setup, including your HTML page templates so that the AShop content blends seamlessly into your web site. Technical assistance for installation, setup, and operation is available by email and phone.

AShop for Downloads Features

AShop for Downloads is a shopping cart and affiliate marketing system with secure digital product download management.


Requirements: PHP version 4 or higher, safe_mode off, register_globals on, enable_dl On, and allow_uploads on.


Shopping cart catalogue or HTML web pages using OrderForm or order links.


Integration to popular payment gateways for secure payment processing.


Secure download of digital products such as e-books, music and images.


Delivery by e-mail of key-codes or access numbers.


Discount Coupon Codes.


e-Mail notification and secure file download for product updates.


Affiliate marketing: 2-tier, signups, banner code generation, tracking, commission payment.


e-Mail utility for customers and affiliates.


Integration to third party software for extended features.


For digital product file protection and registration see Electronic DeadBolt™




Shopping Cart Product Catalogue


The Product Catalogue is where customers enter the online store, make selections, and purchase products. Customers may select items, place them in the shopping cart, and check out through your secure payment gateway.
Features include:


Shopping cart basket option for selling single or multiple products per transaction


License agreement may added to each product and required for purchase.


Product category and subcategory tree (only appears if more than one category is created.)


Shopping cart buttons and links may also be used within HTML pages.


Easy modification of store logo, background colors, borders and font type.


Integration to secure real time payment processing gateways.


Multiple payment options. For instance; Credit Card, PayPal, or Send Check.


Manual payment by check with password activation upon receipt of payment.


Notice of sale e-mailed to customer, admin, and affiliate.


Customer info and IP address recorded for each transaction.


Notice of Download with IP address e-mailed to admin.


"Thank you" message on product delivery page editable through Admin Panel


AShop Secure Download file protection with password protection.



Limit number of days and number of downloads for downloadable products.



Per product send update feature for software updates or supplemental downloads.


Discount coupon codes set per product.



Affiliate Marketing & Tracking


The value of affiliate marketing cannot be overstated. Affiliate marketing is a powerful technique that will multiply your exposure with very little risk and great potential for reward! AShop Software automates this process. There is no limit to the number of affiliates that can signup and participate in your affiliate program. Affiliates signup, login, enter their contact information, and access link code for their web sites, e-zines, and e-newsletters through automated support panels. Clicks and sales are recorded for each referred visitor. The second tier commission level can be turned on or off. Second tier commissions provide tools and incentive for affiliates to sign up more affiliates for a viral marketing system.
Features include:


Automated affiliate signup form. Passwords automatically generated and e-mailed to new affiliates.



Password protected affiliate support panel to access stats, link code, and contact info.


Banner and HTML link code automatically generated to track affiliate sales and commissions.


Banner and HTML link code automatically generated to enlist more affiliates for 2nd tier commissions.



Tier-1 commissions per product by percentage or amount.


Tier-2 commissions as percentage of orders.


Set redirect URL for affiliate referrals to any site and still track commissions.


Notification of each commission is automatically e-mailed to affiliate and affiliate manager.



e-Mail address for affiliate manager is set independently from store administrator.


Affiliate commissions payable via PayPal through the AShop program.


Affiliate commission and payment history reporting.





Setup your store links and contact information. Maintain your product catalogue. Manage affiliates and commissions. Manage sales and customers. e-Mail messages to your affiliate and customer mailing lists. View and download reports. These are a few of the useful features that are managed through a browser within the AShop Administration Panel.
Features include:


Password protected administration panel login.


Set and maintain store configuration, product catalogue, affiliates, and sales through a browser.



e-Mail management to affiliates and customers with HTML-format or plain text.


Integration to third party applications for email list management, bulletin boards and password administration.


Generate sales reports by date range with sort order by date, product, or customer to be viewed online or downloaded in comma separated version for use in Microsoft Excel and other programs.





Customizable Pages


Catalogue and Affiliate pages are individually customizable using HTML templates.


HTML page templates can include backgrounds, images, links, meta tags, style sheets, and JavaScript.


In the absence of an HTML template, a store logo image may be uploaded through the Administration Panel.


Table borders, background colors, and fonts for the category and product information sections are customizable through the Administration Panel independent of the HTML templates.


OrderForm Shopping Cart Buttons and order links can be added to HTML pages for complete design flexibility.


Payment Gateways Supported


Third Party Software Integration For Extended Features


ListMessenger is a free mailing list management program written in PHP using a mySQL database. When ListMessenger is installed on the same server as AShop for Downloads, each product can be associated with a ListMessenger group. When a customers purchase associated products, they are added to the group.


Optional: Professional installation includes installation and configuration of the program files, database setup, HTML page template setup and assistance to get you started managing the shopping cart.

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Automated Online Order and Payment Processing System.
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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
Select topic.Sales Office Tour

Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
Select topic.Shopping Mall Tour

Clients & Partners
Select topic.Clients
Select topic.Affiliates
Select topic.Resellers

Downloads and Services
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Select topic.Installation Service
Select topic.Request Tech Support
Select topic.Buy Products & Services

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Ashop Software Swedish