Shopping Cart Software
Shopping Cart Software CRM Sales Office Affiliate Referral Tracking Digital Product Delivery

Protect your e-book, software, image, document, audio or video files. Automate registration and regulate installation of the protected files with this remarkable software and service. Compatible with AShop shopping cart software!

The Electronic DeadBolt™

Unlike most e-book and software compiler programs, the Electronic DeadBolt™ is a high-tech security wrapper that insulates any existing e-book, software, screensaver, white paper documents, audio or video files. The combination of both web-based and proprietary internal algorithms allows you to sell single or multiple licenses of your digital product. When a multi-license product has met its install allowance, it produces an alert screen that instructs the end-user to contact you at a specified email address to purchase the product.

The internal smart technology built into the Electronic DeadBolt™ provides a simple and error-free registration process for the end-user and an automated product fulfillment system that requires zero customer intervention with your company.

The application service infrastructure is engineered and tested for reliability, availability, scalability, data integrity, and performance. Professional Global Marketing, the developer of this service, also performs extensive application and platform management, including software updates, network bandwidth, capacity and database management, performance monitoring and network control. It is this caliber of planning and control that provides authors with a reliable, stable registration system at all times.

One of the most significant benefits to using the Electronic DeadBolt™ is that it gives you the power of easy email follow-up for product announcements and testimonial solicitation with anyone who ever downloads your product. Second, you have total control to disable anyone's product who requests a refund. PLUS, it's an extremely simple process for your customers.

Using this proprietary packaging system, each and every one of your products are programmed so that customers can instantly download their purchase, then click to open, install and register their product. You enjoy the convenience and savings of having an automated product fulfillment process and have the comfort of knowing your intellectual property will be used only by that individual customer and no-one else.

The Electronic DeadBolt™ with AShop shopping cart and affiliate marketing software is a complete automated system for marketing, sales, and distribution of digital products.

See a live demo and purchase the Electronic DeadBolt™

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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
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Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
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Clients & Partners
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