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Affiliate Tracking & Commission Payment

An affiliate tracking, and commission payment program can be a powerful and cost effective marketing tool. A 2-tier affiliate tracking system is included with AShop Deluxe. Of course, it is optional to use it or not. AShop Deluxe provides methods to generate affiliate tracking code, track click through affiliate traffic, track affiliate commissions, and pay affiliates using PayPal or other means. It also supports manual referal codes and a system to automatically assign discounts for customers who login using manual referral codes.

This is the Affiliate Program page in the AShop Configuration menu

Affiliate Configuration

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Shopping Cart
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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
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Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute downloadable products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
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Clients & Partners
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