Member Catalogs Disabled
All Member Products Display In Main Mall Catalog
When individual member catalogs are disabled, menu
options within each member administration panel are limited. All
of the active member products and the active administrator's products
appear within one main mall catalog. The mall administrator may
allow or disallow product editing privileges to members.
Mall Administrator Options
When Member
Product Management is disabled, members do not have options
to add products directly to the catalog. The member administration
panel only has menu options for store information and sales reports.
With member product management disabled, the mall administrator
adds the products and assigns them to each member.
Mall Administrator Product Management
When Member Product Management
is enabled, members have options to add and manage their own
Mall Administrator Options
Each member can add/edit only his/her products within the category
structure, which is set by the mall administrator. Members may not
add new categories or alter the category structure.