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Renew AShop Deluxe Updates and Technical Support

We are continually improving the AShop Deluxe program by adding new features and making the program more user friendly. Updated software and technical support are provided for one year after the purchase of a software license and registration key. After the first year, software updates and technical support may be renewed annually. You may renew before or after the expiration of your previous coverage. Renewal starts from the expiration date of your previous support coverage.

This annual subscription includes the following:

  • Software updates are available to you through the AShop administration panel. The software update files can be downloaded through the Resources page when logged in as admin.
  • Technical support is provided for the functionality and usability of the currently distributed version of the software.
  • Installation Service Is Not Included. This annual subscription to software updates and technical support does NOT include installation service or installation of the software updates on third-party servers or hosting services.
  • The annual subscription is not required for domains or shopping carts that are hosted with or because software updates, technical support and installation of our software and updates is included for no extra charge with these services.

Years to renew: Domain:
Renewal is applied to the license key and all domains that are registered to it. For multiple domain license keys, enter one of the registered domains and the support for all of the domains under the same key will be renewed.

About Our Services and Rates

There are essentially three cost factors in the distribution and subsequent support of our software; The Software Product, Updates & Technical Support, Installation Service.

The Software Product
AShop Deluxe is a software product, which was developed over many years. When a software license is purchased it gives you the right to use the software. The software license does not require us to keep improving the software, however it is in the best interest for most end users if we do. This is where the support and updates come in.

Software Updates and Technical Support
We continually improve the software, provide software updates, answer technical questions, provide advice to end users. We add new features, fix bugs and modify the software to stay up to date with payment gateway integration and other third party softwares that AShop interacts with. One year of support and updates service is included for free with our software license. After the first year the support and updates service can be subscribed to for $60 annually. This fee and length of time is generous compared to other similar software support contracts. The amount of this annual fee will not increase for as long as the updates/support subscription is current. This service and the fee is optional. The need for it depends on your technical skills and the extent of software functionality that is used on your sites. Subscribing to this service also supports our ongoing sustainability, which ensures shop owners that we will continue supporting the software far into the future.

Installation Service
Installation of software on your server is not included in the price of the software license or the support and updates service. We typically charge $50 per hour in half hour increments to perform installation services. We find that over half of our customers install the original software and the updates without our assistance. Installation of AShop Deluxe is typically $50. Installation of a software update is a minor service, which we typically charge $25 to do on a third party server. (Installation of AShop Deluxe and updates is free with all of our web hosting plans.) We do not charge for installation service if it is necessary in order to resolve a bug in our current version of software.

New Feature Requests
We greatly appreciate your suggestions for improvements. Each new feature is carefully considered before adding to our development calendar. Each new version is developed and tested extensively before releasing to the public. This process ensures consistent reliability in the software and sustainability for our company. We are a software company selling a software product, not a custom development firm. We provide a free fully functional demo, which you can install and use for 30 days or longer. We do not customize the software for individual customers or work under contract.

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