Taxes |
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Sales tax options are set in the Taxes menu in your AShop Administration Panel. Administration Panel > Configuration > Taxes
Sales Tax Options
Sales Tax Type - Select which country or regional tax will be applied to orders. For instance; US sales tax, VAT (European Union), or GST/PST/HST (Canada).
Canada Sales Taxes
For the retail catalog - If the products are shipped to any of these Canadian provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick or Newfoundland, the HST will be applied instead of GST and PST. If the products are shipped to any other province, except the one they are shipped from, the tax will be just the GST. If they are shipped to the same province that they are shipped from, then the tax will be both GST and PST.
In the wholesale catalog everything is the same except that the PST is never charged. If you ship to your own province you would still only charge the GST.
State/Province to Charge Sales Tax To – For US sales taxes, this is the origin state. In the US, state sales tax is typically only collected from residents within the same state as the selling merchant. For Canada sales taxes the province that is set here is used to determine HST, GST, or PST.
EU VAT Origin Country - When Request VAT Number From Customer (see below) is checked, a VAT Registration Number text box appears within the shipping form. EU businesses can enter their VAT Number to be exempted from the tax. The country that is set in EU VAT Origin Country is excluded from the VAT exemption and will be charged VAT even if a registration number is entered by the customer.
Sales Tax/VAT/GST Percentage - This percentage rate used to calculate US sales tax, VAT, or GST for products that are set as taxable.
PST Percentage (Canada) - The Provincial Sales Tax rate that is set here will be applied to taxable products for Canada where the customer's province is the same one that is set in the State/Province To Charge Sales Tax. This tax is in addition to the GST.
HST Percentage (Canada) - The Harmonized Sales Tax rate that is set here will be applied to taxable products for Canada where the customer's province is within HST jurisdiction. If the products are shipped to any of these Canadian provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick or Newfoundland, the HST will be applied instead of GST and PST.
Request VAT Number From Customer - When this box is checked, the VAT Number box appears in the shipping destination form. EU customers, except countries that are set in EU VAT Origin Country (above), are exempt from the tax.
Sales Tax On Shipping - If this box is checked, sales tax will be applied to the taxable product subtotal AND shipping at the rate set above. If the box is not checked, sales taxes are only applied to the product price (and not the shipping).
Include Sales Tax In Displayed Price - If this box is checked, sales tax will be included in the price that displays in the retail catalog.