Shipping Discounts

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Shipping discounts are created and modified in Configuration > Shipping and Taxes, in the bottom menu bar.


Shipping discounts are based upon the quantity of shippable products in the shopping cart basket. They can be set to apply only to products selectively based upon whether the destination country is local or international and can also be applied to specific shipping options or to all shippable products in the basket. There is no limit to the number of shipping discounts that can be created, but you should be careful not to create shipping discounts that conflict with each other as the results may be unpredictable.


Add A New Shipping Discount

1.        Enter the amount to be deducted from the order.

2.        Enter the minimum quantity of products in the basket that will activate this shipping option.

3.        Select if the shipping discount applies to local or international country destinations.

4.        Select if the shipping discount applies to a specific shipping option or to all shippable products in the basket.

5.Click the Add button to save the shipping discount.




Modify An Existing Shipping Discount

1.        Change the Discount amount, minimum quantity, shipped destination, and shipping option as needed.

2.        Click the Update button to save changes.


Delete An Existing Shipping Discount

1.        Click the Delete button.

