Import Products |
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Products may be imported into the catalog from a CSV file, which can be prepared using, for example, Excel. It will reduce the initial shopping cart setup time if your product list is very long, but you may still need to set individual attributes, preview files, multiple product files, shipping methods, etc.
Create a CSV file with your products
The products are imported from a CSV file. Here is an example. This example is also included in a file named productimportsample.txt, which is provided with the AShop V new installation package.
Category Name;SKU;Inventory;Product Name;Product Description;Price;Weight;Shipping;Tax;Product File1;Image File.gif Category Name;SKU1;10;Product Name 1;Product Description 1;10.00;2;3.00;1;productfile1.pdf;thumbnailfile1.gif
To skip one of the fields just put the next separator character directly after the last one, with no other text in between, for example: "Category Name;;" (skips the SKU code). This is done automatically if you export the list with empty fields from a spreadsheet program like Excel.
If you leave the category name field blank, the product will be added to the category that you initiated the import from, otherwise it will be added to any category with the name you specify. If there are multiple categories with the same name, the product will be added to all of them.
Upload Images by FTP
All thumbnail images must be pre-uploaded to the prodimg directory and all product files to products directory. They will be copied to the filenames described in the product list file. They aren't renamed or removed in order to allow the same thumbnail or product file to be used for multiple products.
Import the CSV List
To import a product list, navigate to Edit Catalog. Click the Import Products button in the top menu. Browse to the CSV file and change the separator character and/or enclosure character if your CSV uses different characters than the default ones. Click "Upload" to upload the file and start the import.