ashoptest.php |
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General Server Requirements For AShop Programs
Software Requirements:
AShop Pre-Installation Test The ashoptest.php script can be used to ensure that the server configuration is compatible with AShop before uploading all of the progam files, creating a database, and installing the program. The ashoptest.php script checks and reports the status of the server configuration as it relates to AShop. It also checks the operating system version, automatically gets the correct IonCube loader from and uploads the file to the ioncube directory within the new installation. The ashoptest.php script then checks to see if IonCube decryption is working.
To test and report the status of the above requirements on your server, download the ashoptest.php script from our program file download page, unzip it on your local computer, upload it to the server where AShop is to be installed, and call it from a browser.
Checks Performed By ashoptest.php
PHP Version The version of PHP on the server must be at least 4.1.0.
Safe Mode = Off Some server administration systems are configured to create new domains with PHP safe mode = On. The safe mode setting prevents many of the functions in AShop from working. This test reports the Safe Mode setting. It must be Off for AShop to function completely.
File Uploads = On (Size limit: [filesize]) file_uploads is set in the php.ini configuration file for the server. It must be on so that product and thumbnail image files can be uploaded through the AShop administration panel. If this setting is off, the program will run, but files will not upload through a browser.
The File Uploads test also checks the upload_max_filesize. This is an informational test. Product files that are larger than this limit must be uploaded to the ashop/products directory using FTP and then selected for each product through the administration panel Edit Catalogue menu. Files that are larger than this limit will not upload completely through an http browser.
MySQL Functions Available This test checks to see if MySQL is available on the server and if it can be used from PHP scripts. AShop requires all privileges on one MySQL database. An error message will appear when privileges are too low. Example: database user does not have privileges to modify tables OR database user does not have privileges to add tables.
Curl With SSL Available Curl is a tool on the server that is used for secure transmission of files with URL syntax. AShop will run fine without Curl. It is only required in order to use payment gateways where credit card information is collected locally and transmitted to the payment gateway. Most of the payment gateways supported by AShop do not require Curl because they provide the secure payment form on their server.
Error Reporting - Run Time Notices Off This test checks the error_reporting setting in PHP to see if it is set to: "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" which is the equivalent of: 2039. Some other settings will cause all kinds of warnings and other messages to be displayed at the top of AShop pages. There are other settings besides "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" that will work, but we are not sure which ones or how to check for all of them. If this test fails, you can still install and run AShop. If there are no PHP warning messages at the top of AShop pages, then the setting is probably ok.
fsockopen-function is working The fsockopen-function is used for server to server communication. It is required to update the IonCube loader and to register the license key.
IonCube decryption is working Automatically gets the correct IonCube loader from and uploads the file to the ioncube directory within the new installation. The ashoptest.php script then checks to see if IonCube decryption is working. This test will also report if IonCube loaders are loaded during run time or if they are included in php.ini.
The AShop Software license server can be reached This test confirms that server to server communication is taking place with the AShop license server. |