IonCube Compatibility
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· | Run ashoptest.php first to see if the AShop Software requirements are met on the server.
· | If all of the requirements are met and the IonCube decryption is still not working, make sure that there is an ioncube loader file in the ioncube directory. The file should have a name that indicates what type and version the operating system is.
· | If the ioncube loader file is not there at all, make sure that the ioncube directory permissions are 777, reset them if necessary and run the ashoptest.php script again. Note that if the fsocket-open function is failing in the ashoptest.php script, the ioncube loader file will not be uploaded and also the license registration will not work.
· | The ioncube loader file should have a file size of about .15 MB or more. If there is trouble with the fsocket-open or other server configuration issues, the file might only partially upload. In this case the file may appear (with a small file size) and still not work. The ashoptest.php script will not overwrite the ioncube loader file if it is for the correct operating system and version even if it is corrupted. If this occurs, delete the corrupted ioncube loader file and run ashoptest.php again.
· | If the ioncube directory permissions are 777 and the ashoptest.php script passes all requirements and the ioncube loader file still does not upload correctly to the ioncube directory, you can manually upload the correct ioncube loader file for your server. The ioncube loader files may be downloaded from Note that the files must be transferred in binary mode. If there is any question about it, check the FTP upload parameters and upload the ioncube loader file(s) again. The version of PHP that is running on your server can be determined by running phpinfo.php, which is included with the AShop program files.
· | If you are still having issues with the IonCube loader not passing the ashoptest be sure that the PHP extension_dir is set to a complete file system path, like for example: "/usr/lib/php4". This can be modified in the file php.ini (typically found in /etc) but you must have system administrator privileges on the server to be able to change the file so you might need to ask your hosting provider to fix this problem for you. Without a correct value for this setting PHP extensions like the IonCube loader will not run.