To create a new complete language set...
1. | Make a copy of the set of files that are in the language/en directory and rename it with the 2 character abbreviation for the language, for instance French is fr, Spanish is sp, etc. Translate the text in all of the files within the new directory. The words with all capital letters on the left hand side are the constant names. DON'T CHANGE THE CONSTANT NAMES. The text is on the right hand side in each line. If you use quotes (single ' or double " ) escape them with a backslash \" or there will be parse errors when you run the scripts. For some languages, such as French, apostrophes are used often to accent characters. If the special characters cause parse errors, replace them with the ascii equivalent. Example: n' in the html source displays n' (n followed by an apostrophe/accent) in the web page. |
above is an English language file
below is the same language file translated in Japanese
2. | Edit the lang.cfg.php file. Change the language name. Set the $langredirect if using language specific catalog pages. Leave the $langredirect empty for the catalogue.php script to open when a language is selected. |
3. | Create a set of button images with text in that language. Name the images with the 2 character suffix just as the -en and -sv images are already named. The buttons must be in gif format. |
catviewcart-en.gif (english)
catviewcart-sp.gif (spanish)
4. | Make a copy of admin/receipt-en.html and/or admin/receipt-en.txt (if using plain text receipts), translate the text, rename and save it with the corresponding 2 character language suffix. |
See also: Language Selectable Catalog Pages