Installation of AShop for Downloads
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1. | Unzip the folder.
2. | Upload the AShop files and folders to the server. You may change the name of the folder, but the AShop directory structure within this folder must remain intact. Note that the Unix/Linux file system is case sensitive. For instance, if you name the folder ashop in all lower case, the setting within must also be ashop (not AShop). The AShop files and folders may also be installed in the public root. If this is the case, do not upload the index.html file unless you want the domain to redirect to the AShop catalogue page.
3. | Create a database for AShop and add a user with a password to the database. If you do not have access to create a mySQL database on your server, then contact your web host technical support to have this done for you. You will need to get the database name, user name, and password that are assigned to the database by them.
4. | Open in a text editor such as NotePad or within your FTP program and edit the following variables BEFORE running install.php:
$databaseserver = "location of the mySQL database"
Note: $databaseserver is packaged with this set to "localhost", which is typical. If the database is hosted remotely or on a different server, this setting may be something like "" or You may need to get the location of your mySQL database from the hosting service support.
$databasename = "name of the database that you created in mySQL"
$databaseuser = "user name that you added to the database that you created"
$databasepasswd = "password for the user name that you added to the database"
$ashopurl = "the URL to the directory where the AShop files are located";
It must be in the following format: http://www.yourdomain/ashop
You can name the ashop directory whatever you want to as long as it is consistent
with this setting. Do not put a slash at the end of the URL.
$ashoppath = "the server path to the directory where the AShop program is located";
The exact format will depend on your server. It is usually something like:
/home/username/public_html/ashop or /home/username/www/ashop
Some servers will use this format: /usr/local/ashop
Put a slash in front, but NOT at the end of the server path.
If you are not sure what path to use, check your server's online documentation
or ask your server's technical support.
$timezoneoffset = "difference_between_you_and_server_in_seconds";
Your hosting service may be located in a different time zone from you. This setting adjusts the time stamp for transactions for accurate reporting of sales stats. The value is in seconds and is added to the server time and date. For example; If the server is in a time zone that is 3 hours later, enter "-10800" (3 hrs. x 60 min. x 60 sec.=10800). To add time, enter a positive number. To subtract time, enter a minus sign in front of the number.
Third Party Integration
Optional: $listmessengerpath is the path on the same server where ListMessenger is installed.
The other variables in can be edited from within the admin menu after the program is installed.
5. | Change permissions of the following files and directories to 777.
admin/ file
admin/gateways directory
products directory
prodimg directory
images directory
images/logo.gif file
banners directory
updates directory
6. | Run install.php from a browser. This will create the database tables. To do this, enter something like this into your browser address bar:
7. | If no problems were encountered, you will then be redirected to the Administration Panel. The default password is "ashopadmin".
Note: If the password is not accepted, it is most likely that the tables were not created in the database by install.php. The most likely cause of this is incorrect database or path settings in the file. If your hosting service provides phpMyAdmin, you can view the database to see if the tables were created.
8. | After installation of AShop is complete, remove the files install.php and update.php from the server and change the administrative password.
9. | HTML templates can be installed to format the catalogue, delivery, checkout and affiliate support pages. Some page formatting can be done in Administration Panel/AShop Configuration/Layout
10. | first.html To display product specials or messages to customers when the catalogue is first accessed, modify the contents between the <!--Ashopstart --> <!-- Ashopend --> tags. Remove the first.html file from the server and the catalogue will open with the top category of products appearing initially.