Customers and Messaging
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From the Administration Panel main menu, select Manage Sales. A top menu bar appears and the Customers and Messaging page opens with customers listed.  





e-Mail Messaging to Customers  
To e-mail a message to one customer  
Click on the e-mail link for the selected customer. This will open your default e-mail program, such as Outlook Express or Eudora.  
To e-mail a message to selected customers  
4.Place a check mark in the box next to each customer that you wish to send a message to.  
5.Enter the Subject and Message text into the corresponding text boxes.  
6.Click the "Mail to selected" button to send the message to selected customers.  
To e-mail a message to all of the affiliates  
3.Enter the Subject and Message text into the corresponding text boxes.  
4.Click the "Mail to all" button to send the message to selected customers.  
HTML-format or Plain text  
With HTML-format selected, formatting tags, tables and hyperlinks may be typed or pasted into the message box. With this setting, a page may be designed within your favorite WYSIWYG HTML editor. You can then copy the HTML code and paste it into the message box to send newsletters, advertisements, and other notices to customers or affiliates.  
Note: With this setting, carriage returns within the message box do not generate line breaks and must always be inserted with <br> or <p> tags or the text will all flow together in the resulting e-mail message.  
Plain text  
The Plain text setting does not recognize HTML tags and will render tag text in the e-mail message just as you enter it into the message box. With this setting, carriage returns in the message box generate a line break in the resulting e-mail message as they do in your client e-mail software such as Eudora or Microsoft Outlook  
Delete Customer Record  
Warning: This will permanently delete the customer record; there is not an undo.
1.Click the "Delete" link next to the customer to that is to be deleted.  
2.A warning message page will appear to confirm your intention.  
3.Click Yes to delete the customer record or No to cancel and return to the Customers and Messaging page.  
View/Edit Customer Profile  
To view or edit a customer's billing and shipping information, click the Profile link or the customer ID number link next the the customers listing.
Sales History By Customer  
Customer sales history can be viewed by clicking on the Sales link next to each customer