Manual Order Activation

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Any of the payment options in AShop may be set up to delay delivery of products, even after real time payment has been completed by the customer. For instance, if you are selling a downloadable product and your store becomes a target for credit card or PayPal fraud, it may be advantageous to delay delivery of product files until after some form of communication is established with the customer or the customer's identity is verified.


How to delay delivery of downloadable products after payment is received by PayPal

You can make your PayPal payment option work like the Manual handling payment method: when the customer buys your downloadable items he/she won't be able to download them before you have activated the order, which you would do once you see that it isn't fraudulent. Activating the order can be done from the Sales Report page in your admin panel or by clicking a link in the admin notice that you get by email.


To make this work you should locate the file admin/gateways/ (if you are using the regular PayPal+IPN method, if you use Website Payments Pro you would need to open and/or instead) and search for the word: "VERIFIED" in capital letters. Change it to: "PENDING" and save the file + upload it to your site. This will make it possible for you to review each order before activating it.


The setup process for other payment options is similar.